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Feedback matters at SPM

Your full and honest feedback matters to us at SPM Assets. With the arrival of Covid-19 we decided to our feedback surveys on hold from March to June. With business starting to return to a “new norm” we’re re-instating the AskNicely service to ask what you think of us, our products, and our services.

What is AskNicely?

AskNicely is a customer experience platform that collects feedback to generate a Net Promoter Score® (NPS®). This globally recognised metric analyses customer experiences using a proven methodology, and is the core measurement for customer experience management programmes.

SPM Assets’ customers will soon start receiving AskNicely emails again, and we ask that you please take the time to tell us what you think of us.

Note that these emails will be sent in small batches – not all at once, so that we are able to give each response the careful attention it deserves.

What does SPM Assets do with this information?

Your feedback will be reviewed by our teams and taken on board. If you mention specific people, teams, departments, or products, your comments will be forwarded to the appropriate managers. It’s important to us that we know what we’re doing well, and what we need to improve on.

In the past, we’ve received some fantastic feedback that has fed directly into our Product Development Program – so please keep the comments coming!

If you have any burning issues that you’d like to tell us about right now, rather than waiting for your AskNicely email, please contact your Account Manager.